Thursday, February 28, 2008

Dumbest article ever

Robert Klose's A Rarity: Grammar Lessons from Dad is probably the dumbest article i have ever heard. Klose is basically completely saying that schools are making children dumb and not teaching them proper English. As if he knew everything about English, he is a biology teacher for Gods sake. He might be able to point out the obvious that everyone learns when they are in middle school and thats it. I guarantee if he were to try to compose an essay on anything he wanted to write and turned it in to a high school English teacher, he would fail it or not get as good a grade as he expects. First of all, I really do not believe that the only thing his ex-student said to him was " It was, like, whoa," and never said anything else after that unless that student were retarded. Even in that case, I am sure a retarded person would try to elaborate and explain the cool monuments he or she saw. I think Klose should try to imagine how his child was to talk if his child would not have gone to school at all to learn English. I am sure he would have gone crazy when hearing his children talk after that scenario. Honestly who congratulates their son after saying a correct sentence? "Good adjective use their son, I am very proud of you," if my dad were to talk to me like that I would probably just stare at him as if he were (not was because it is subjunctive, woah) a fool. And if his son does not know what a sentence is comprised of then I think Klose should probably get his son out of that school and move him somehwere where people actually teach. Klose is an ignoramus and I really despise his writing. When I finished this reading, I was, like, woah!

1 comment:

Mr. Barnette said...

While I agree that Klose comes off as a little annoying, I'm not sure that the fact that he's a biology teacher means he has nothing to say about English.